

psys 2020. 6. 3. 11:26

+ - * /

select employee_id          as 직원아이디
    , emp_name              as 직원이름
    , salary / 30           as 일당
    , salary                as 월급
    , salary - salary * 0.1 as 실수령액
    , salary * 12           as 연봉
from employees
where department_id = 30;

실수령액의 salary*0.1은 세금 10%


문자연산자 : ||

select employee_id || '-' || emp_name as employee_info
    , employee_id
    , emp_name
from employees
where rownum <5;


논리연산자 : >,<,>=,<=,=,<>,!=,^=

select * from employees where salary = 2600;    -- 같다.
select * from employees where salary <> 2600;   -- 같지않다.
select * from employees where salary != 2600;   -- 같지않다.
select * from employees where salary < 2600;    -- 미만
select * from employees where salary > 2600;    -- 초과
select * from employees where salary <= 2600;   -- 이하
select * from employees where salary >= 2600;   -- 이상


  • <> != ^= 동일하게 조회
select employee_id
    , emp_name
    , salary
    , department_id
from employees
where department_id ^= 30;
-- where department_id <>30;

department_id가 30이 아닌 애들만 출력하는 것



논리연산자를 사용하여 PRODUCTS 테이블에서

'상품 최저 금액(PROD_MIN_PRICE)'이 30원 "이상"

    50원 "미만"의 '상품명'을 조회하시오

select prod_name
from products


products 테이블에서

하위카테코리가 'cd-rom' 이고

'상품 최저 금액'이 35보다 크고

'상품 최저 금액'이 40보다 작은 "상품명(prod_name)"을 조회하시오

select prod_name
from products
where prod_subcategory='CD-ROM' 
    and prod_min_price>35 
    and prod_min_price<40;

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